Join the 716 Empire
Legacy- Majestic - Epic- Dynasty - Supreme - Royals - Reign
Click here
to Register
Click here
to Register
Friday, May 16th or Mon, June 16th
You only need to enroll in one or the other.
Can't make it? Late Audition Mon, July 14th (Price increases) Register in portal.
Pre-Mini/ Mini (Ages 7 & Under ) --> 5:30-6:30pm
Mini/Junior (Ages 8-11 ) --> 6:30-7:45pm
Teen/Senior (Ages 12+) --> 7:45-9:15 pm
(Please come 10 minutes early to stretch to be ready to audition at your time slot)
Fee $20.00
Enroll Online for one audition slot.
Click here to Register
*Please arrive in Leotard & Tights, (shorts or skirt can be worn over top) Hair cleanly pulled back tight. Please bring all dance shoes with you and a water bottle. You may bring a sweatshirt and pants to throw overtop for HipHop & Tap. Dancers will participate in every genre during auditions and will be recommended classes by our staff for each genre following auditions whether competitive or recreational.
All Dancers will be placed in a class where they will most succeed, flourish and grow.
Competitive Classes options
Jazz - HipHop - Tap - Contemporary- Acrobatics - Open - Ballet